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Okay, now I know to wrap it in two $$.
Introduction to LCA#
As its full name suggests, LCA () aims to find the nearest common ancestor of any two points.
Properties (or maybe you don't need to remember this)#
From OI-wiki
For convenience, we denote the nearest common ancestor of a set of points as or .
1. ;
2. If is an ancestor of , then and only then ;
3. If is not an ancestor of and is not an ancestor of , then and are in two different subtrees of ;
4. In a preorder traversal, appears before all elements of , while in a postorder traversal, appears after all elements of ;
5. The nearest common ancestor of the union of two sets is the nearest common ancestor of the two sets, that is,
6. The nearest common ancestor of two points must lie on the shortest path between the two points in the tree ;
7. where is the distance between two points in the tree, and represents the distance from a point to the root of the tree ;
Naive Method#
The naive idea for calculating LCA is simple: just move up layer by layer until the two points are the same (but there are many small details to pay attention to).
1. Calculate the parent of each point and the depth of each point (distance to the parent). Obviously, we need to define two arrays, dep[N] and root[N], to store the depth of point and the parent of point , and we need to run a DFS to calculate LCA.
When calling the function, pass in the root node. Obviously, the root node has no parent, so _root can be passed as 0, like init_root(1, 0);
Then, when calculating the dep[N] array, there is no need for special handling; just add 1 based on dep[0], making the depth 1 (of course, your dep[0] needs to be initialized).
void init_root(int x, int _root){//x represents the current node, _root represents the parent of the current node
root[x] = _root;//store the parent of point x
dep[x] = dep[_root]+1;//store the depth of point x
for(int i = 0; i < mp[x].size(); ++i){//dfs
int y = mp[x][i];
if(y == _root)continue;//cannot go back
init_root(y, x);//next point
2. Next is the LCA function. It is important to note that for , the depth of must be the same as that of in order to move up together; otherwise, it will~~(lover~missed)~. Therefore, before moving up, we need to make the depths of and the same.
int lca(int x, int y){
if(dep[x] < dep[y])swap(x, y);//always make dep[x] > dep[y] so that we don't need to check later
while(dep[x] != dep[y]){
x = root[x];//make x and y have the same depth
while(x != y){//move up together
x = root[x];
y = root[y];
return x;//at this point x == y, returning either is fine
Doubling Method#
Unlike the naive method, the doubling method uses a sparse table for preprocessing, which can reduce the number of upward moves and thus reduce complexity.
To reduce the number of upward moves, the st[i][j] stores the position reached from point i after moving (1<<j) points.
1. First, we need to preprocess. (DFS still needs to be run, but it is omitted here, similar to the naive LCA)
void init_st(){
for(int i = 1; i <= n; ++i){
st[i][0] = root[i];//initial state of the st table: moving (1<<0) from i reaches the parent of i
for(int j = 1; (1<<j) <= n; ++j){//because the state is derived from j-1 to j, we need to loop through j first
for(int i = 1; i <= n; ++i){
st[i][j] = st[st[i][j-1]][j-1];
Jumping (1<<j) from i can be decomposed into first jumping (1<<(j-1)) to reach st[i][j-1],
then jumping (1<<(j-1)) from st[i][j-1] to st[i][j].
2. Next, we write the LCA function: here we need to modify two parts separately.
2.1 For making the depths of and the same, we need to use some binary knowledge.
For , we need to move up by the number of steps equal to the depth difference between and . (Moving up one step decreases depth by 1)
So we record as the depth difference between and .
What we need to know is how to decompose into a sum of powers of 2 (since the st table stores powers of 2).
For example,
Suppose , converting to binary gives . Clearly,
Only the positions where the bit is 1 contribute to the overall value.
Therefore, when the position has a 1, we can move up (1<<i) points (where i refers to the corresponding bit position).
This way, the total number of points moved will equal .
int len = dep[x]-dep[y];
int i = 0;//which bit
while(len != 0){//make x and y have the same depth, it is recommended to think in binary
if(len%2 == 1){//the current position has a 1
x = st[x][i];//move up
len /= 2;//or right shift (len>>1);
if(x == y)return x;//if at this point x == y, it means x and y are in the same subtree, no need to proceed to the next step.
2.2 Next, and need to move up together.
Here we use the idea of binary search, but the writing is slightly different from conventional binary search.
If and jump (1<<i) points together and become equal, it means they have skipped over their nearest common ancestor.
As shown in the diagram, for points 5 and 4, it is clear that they have skipped their nearest common ancestor.
(By the way, I recommend a very convenient drawing website
Therefore, we need to update and at the first point where to ensure we do not skip over.
( and refer to the points reached when jumping (1<<i) points in the loop)
Thus, the point obtained should be the point before the nearest common ancestor of and , so we need to return root[x].
// The log2(n) function is in the cmath header, which gives the logarithm of n to the base 2.
for(int i = log2(n); i >= 0; --i){
int _x = st[x][i];//the position reached by x and y at the current i
int _y = st[y][i];
if(_x == _y)continue;//if the positions reached by x and y are the same, it means they have skipped, do not update x and y
x = _x;//update to approach the nearest common ancestor of x and y
y = _y;
return root[x];
Finally, here is the complete code with preprocessing:
Luogu P3379 【Template】Lowest Common Ancestor (LCA)
You can't just copy the solution for template problems ヾ (・ω・`) o
#define int long long
using namespace std;
const int N = 1e6;
vector<int> mp[N];
int n, m;
int dep[N], root[N], st[N][20];
When calling the function, pass in the root node. Obviously, the root node has no parent, so _root can be passed as 0, like init_root(1, 0);
Then, when calculating the dep[N] array, there is no need for special handling; just add 1 based on dep[0], making the depth 1 (of course, your dep[0] needs to be initialized).
void init_root(int x, int _root){//x represents the current node, _root represents the parent of the current node
root[x] = _root;//store the parent of point x
dep[x] = dep[_root]+1;//store the depth of point x
for(int i = 0; i < mp[x].size(); ++i){//dfs
int y = mp[x][i];
if(y == _root)continue;//cannot go back
init_root(y, x);//next point
void init_st(){
for(int i = 1; i <= n; ++i){
st[i][0] = root[i];//initial state of the st table: moving (1<<0) from i reaches the parent of i
for(int j = 1; (1<<j) <= n; ++j){//because the state is derived from j-1 to j, we need to loop through j first
for(int i = 1; i <= n; ++i){
st[i][j] = st[st[i][j-1]][j-1];
Jumping (1<<j) from i can be decomposed into first jumping (1<<(j-1)) to reach st[i][j-1],
then jumping (1<<(j-1)) from st[i][j-1] to st[i][j].
int lca(int x, int y){
if(dep[x] < dep[y])swap(x, y);
int len = dep[x]-dep[y];//bitwise take the weight
int i = 0;//which bit
while(len != 0){//make x and y have the same depth, it is recommended to think in binary
if(len%2 == 1){//the current position has a 1
x = st[x][i];//move up
len /= 2;//or right shift (len>>1);
if(x == y)return x;//if at this point x == y, it means x and y are in the same subtree, no need to proceed to the next step.
// The log2(n) function is in the cmath header, which gives the logarithm of n to the base 2.
for(int i = log2(n); i >= 0; --i){
int _x = st[x][i];//the position reached by x and y at the current i
int _y = st[y][i];
if(_x == _y)continue;//if the positions reached by x and y are the same, it means they have skipped, do not update x and y
x = _x;//update to approach the nearest common ancestor of x and y
y = _y;
return root[x];
signed main(){
cin >> n >> m;
for(int i = 1; i <= n; ++i){
int x, y;
cin >> x >> y;
init_root(1, 0);
for(int i = 1; i <= m; ++i){
int x, y;
cin >> x >> y;
cout << lca(x, y) << endl;
return 0;
Example Problems#
Luogu P9432 [NAPC-#1] rStage5 - Hard Conveyors
There is nothing here😋